
Saturday, August 28, 2004

How dreams can solve your problems 

*Note: I just copied this article from the Philippine Daily Inquirer website as a record of a favorite article of Mr. Licauco. PDI does not keep a record of their articles for more than a week anymore so if you want to read the article later on, there is no way to do that. So here is a copy of my favorite article.

Inner Awareness : How dreams can solve your problems

Updated 04:57pm (Mla time) Aug 09, 2004
By Jaime Licauco
Inquirer News Service

Editor's Note: Published on page C2 of the August 10, 2004 issue of the Philippine Daily Inquirer

EVERYBODY dreams, even those who say they can't remember a single dream. For dreaming is an essential and natural activity of our sleeping mind. We spend one-third of our lives asleep so dreaming comprises a large chunk of our mental activities.

But what exactly is a dream? Why do we dream and what can we get out of our dreams?

A dream has been defined as "the language of the subconscious mind." Because it is a language, it has its own rules of grammar, punctuation, structure and rhythm. Once we learn the language of our dreams, it becomes relatively easy to understand their meaning.


Why do we dream? There are many reasons for this. First, a dream can be a warning of a future event so we can prepare for it. This is usually the reason we dream of impending deaths of close relatives and friends. We are being prepared for the tragedy, so that its emotional impact on us is lessened. If it is about an accident, perhaps we can warn the people concerned.

Second, a dream can give us insights into our present situation. For example, our state of health, relationships or spiritual life.

Third, a dream can give us clues on who we were in a past life. When one dreams of an old civilization, or a strange country with strange language and costume s/he has never seen in this life, it may be a past life memory.

Fourth, a dream may carry important messages from dead relatives or the spirit world in general. This usually happens during birth days, death anniversaries or important events in the life of the dead (no pun intended).


Fifth, a dream may offer solutions to a problem we may be having. Dreams can offer highly creative and unique solutions to problems. All we need to do is ask for the solution before sleeping.

Solutions to difficult problems we may be working on often appear in dreams in symbolic language that is not easy to understand without sufficient experience. Some great scientific breakthroughs were a result of dreams.

Do you know how organic chemistry came about? It was through a dream. The great Dutch chemist, Kekule, was working very hard on the molecular formula of benzene when he fell asleep and had a dream. He dreamt that molecules were dancing before him. Then they turned into a snake biting its tail. The strange figure the snake assumed attracted his attention.

Organic chemistry's birth

When he woke up, he realized that the strange shape the snake assumed, i.e. a loop, must be indicative of the shape of the formula of benzene. It turned out to be correct. Kekule's dream gave birth to organic chemistry.

Here's another classic example. Elias Howe got the idea for a sewing machine needle from a dream. Howe dreamed he was caught by a tribe of cannibals and they were about to eat dinner. Problem was, he was the main dish! They put him in a big cauldron and began cooking him.

While he was there, he saw the natives dancing around the cauldron, each of them holding a spear with a pointed blade that had a hole in it. He wondered about those blades with holes. Then he woke up. That's how he got the idea of putting a hole on the head of the sewing needle.

Subconscious suggestion

Dreams can also help us find solutions to problems that perplex us in our waking state. All you have to do before sleeping is to suggest to your subconscious mind to give you a dream that will contain a solution to the problem at hand. Repeat this suggestion over and over again until you fall asleep. If done consistently, you will wake up one morning with the solution.

When giving such a suggestion to your sleeping mind, you must be alert to the answer given in your waking state because it may not come in very clear terms. The dream can be symbolic, or it can lead you to a person, a place or a book that will contain the solution to your problem. You have to pay attention to hints or clues.

Sixth, often a dream may be merely a psychological wish fulfillment of a waking desire. A young woman may secretly wish to have a date with her best friend's boyfriend. In her dream she can have him all to herself.

Have a pleasant dream tonight!

E-mail jlicauco@edsamail.com

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