
Saturday, September 11, 2004

fairies in the corn field 

When my mother was young, about the age of 10, she recalls seeing strange creatures. She saw tiny girls that looked like dragon flies from a distance. On a closer look, they are pale colored little human-like creatures. She saw four of them with baskets, climbing a corn stalk, as if wanting to get the corn but it is too big for them. In amazement, she just stood there looking.

Grandpa came and she pointed to the little girls without a word. He saw them, too. Then, he smiled and said, "I am happy that you could see them, too. I hope you will also have my gift of seeing them. They are really nice."

The next day, mother went to school and told her classmates about those little creatures. They taunted her of imagining things, of being crazy, and of being a liar. From that point, the neighbors always taunted her. They always told her to look for fairies everywhere. They asked her to see if there are fairies around the trees, the school, the pond, and the fields. She cried everytime they do that. Sadly, she saw them no more. Grandpa died and we never found out about those little creatures.

Did they feel bad that she told other people about them? We may never know.

my heart leaps in this one place 

I was always fascinated by stories of strange things. The more ghosts in it, fairies and elves, or any other mystical characters, the better. As always, father filled up our heads with these stories since the day we could understand what words mean. He always has lots of stories about them. What is more interesting is that he insist they are real, he saw them, he met them, he was so afraid of them, but he understands why they show up. I may be considered strange, crazy, wild, or whatever you call it, but this is what I believe is fun and interesting.

The Village of Amballo

It is always when I go home to Amballo, the new village where my parents settled in that I get this strange leap of the heart. My parents have been living there for 15 years now, but it is always the same feeling that I get when I go there.

Amballo is a place of rolling hills. It looks like an endless rolling hills bordered by a mountain in the distance. Instead of trees, what you will see are tall towers of electricity that cuts through the entire prairie. It's a very hot place. Trees and water could only be found at the foot of the hills.

The place is accessible by public jeepneys that traverse the area. The jeepneys come from another village, about 8 kilometers away from Amballo. They pass through our village going to and coming from the town where the public market is.

The Road

The road from the town to the village is "half-bearable". Half of the way is paved and half of it is rough road. The first half of the way passes through the national highway where buses from the cities pass. On a bend of the highway is a separate path that leads to the village. This is where the rough road starts. It is an endless road, with only one crossing or junction in the whole trip.

Our house is located along the road after the junction. The right of the junction leads to Amballo South, and the left is to Amballo North. Amballo North is where we live.

It is after this junction and before our house that I get the goose bumps and the sudden leap of my heart. The distance between the junction and our house is approximately 600 meters. But it is a place of rolling hills, so that means passing through another foot of a hill before reaching home in this short distance. The foot of the hill was bridged however, by a pile of soil and rocks dumped there years ago to elevate the road connecting the two hills. Underneath the elevated bridge is an aqueduct for water passage.

Strange Point

The exact point of elevated bridge is where I feel really strange. Whether on foot when I am walking going to the junction or on a jeepney, the feeling is always the same. At first, I thought this is just a reaction to a place I am visiting for the first time, or my anticipation to see my family, or the guy I fancy. But everytime I go home or leave home, at that same spot, I feel strange, my heart leaps. Years passed and it is still the same, all the time.

Now, I feel I need to find out why do I feel like that in that place. Other people I asked does not feel anything when they pass the area. It's just another normal place to them. But to me, this is the only place where I feel my heart leap out of a sudden.

I will find out. I will learn what is there and why, I believe. I will.

The powerful 'Utol' Jess 

*Note: I just copied this article from the Philippine Daily Inquirer website as a record of a favorite article of Mr. Licauco. PDI does not keep a record of their articles for more than a week anymore so if you want to read the article later on, there is no way to do that. So here is a copy of my favorite article.

Inner Awareness: The powerful 'Utol' Jess

Posted: 11:31 PM (Manila Time)
Apr. 26, 2004
Inquirer News Service

MEMBERS of Haring Bakal (King Iron) in Lipa, Batangas hold Jess Verallo in high esteem. I learned that among amulet aficionados, there is a hierarchy of the powers that people possess, and Jess' occupies one of the highest ranks.

Before the blessing, we listened to members' stories about the powers of their amulets. Jess related how, on one occasion, he was threatened by a group of armed men. Alone and armed only with a bolo (machete), he said an oracion or secret prayer, and the men suddenly scampered away.

I asked why, and he said they might have seen something. He did not elaborate. I suspect he was referring to the powerful spirit guides he could call in times of danger.

On another occasion, an anting-anting (amulet) owner showed him his mutya (talisman), boasting it was very powerful. Jess put the object into his mouth and bit it. The mutya crumbled like powder. When told about it, the owner said, "Maybe it's your teeth that got broken."

Jess handed the broken amulet to him and the man shouted, "Oh, it's a fake!" He invited Jess to his house and asked for the oracion used to break the mutya.

Temple of God

Jess said he used no oracion or power word. "My amulet is in my very person, because my body is the temple of God," he explained.

Jess' reputation as a possessor of unusual powers was sealed when he revived his niece who drowned while swimming in a lake. She drowned at 7 a.m. and the lifeless body was recovered at 11 p.m. Jess summoned the girl's spirit to return to her body and she revived. Until now, the girl is still alive. This story has been told and retold in the village and beyond.

Another incredible story was told to us by a member of Verallo's group. "One day," he said, "a jeep's brakes [failed while the vehicle was going down a] steep road leading to the house of Jun Verallo. Jess was driving a jeep going up the same hill. The driver kept shouting, 'I have no brakes! I have no brakes.' " Before the vehicle could hit Verallo's jeep, so the story goes, it stopped and remained motionless until Jess could swerve to the side to avoid a collision. The jeep then continued to go down hill and crashed.

"My dream," Utol Jess said, "is to put on the right path all who ask help from me. I do not want even one of them to be taken advantage of or be in danger."

Jess now has followers throughout Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.

History of Haring Bakal

Very little is known about the history and background of Haring Bakal. According to Jess Verallo, it began in Mindanao in the late 1800s. It was founded by Dodong Aquilino Lagari Gulang.

The organization aims to protect the weak and those whose lives are threatened by dangerous elements, to fight evil and help the government. To be protected, one has to join the brotherhood. A member has to be blessed. The blessing includes being hacked with a very sharp bolo or a sword several times in different parts of the body.

The number of times one gets hacked determines his ranking or status in the brotherhood. Initially one gets six strikes, later 21, then 36 and finally, 57, for a total of 120. The 36 strikes include the nape and the 57 strikes include the two sides of the neck as well as the head.

Once a person has been properly blessed by an authorized "blessor," he becomes a member of Haring Bakal. He will then receive a prayer to be said every day and has to wear a special red T-shirt on which are written sacred words or oracion of protection. This becomes the member's only anting-anting or amulet. Members of Haring Bakal, unlike other amulet believers, do not carry medallions or other metallic or wooden amulets in their body. They believe the oracions, which are taken from the Holy Book and come directly from God, protect them from knives and bullets, and even sorcery and accidents.

Every new member recites the Oath of Allegiance that says, among other things, he will "love God and obey His commandments, instill the spirit of Christianism and to serve and defend my country without mental reservations.

"When founder Dodong Lagari died, no one was appointed to replace him as overall head. It remains vacant and members still consider him the head of the organization. The others are called chapter heads or presidents but a head "blessor" is higher than a president.


Before one is initiated into the organization, he must submit clearances from the police, National Bureau of Investigation and barangay (village or neighborhood). He should also have a drug clearance.

News of Haring Bakal members' ability to ward off bullets and knives has led to a significant increase in membership. Especially eager to join are military and police personnel whose lives are always in danger. Today, estimates of Haring Bakal membership throughout the Philippines range from 300,000 to one million.

Members strictly adhere to a code of ethics requiring them to protect, not to harm, people. Violators are expelled. Some of those expelled later formed their own organizations and adopted some of the rituals and practices of Haring Bakal. Thus, it is not easy to determine overall membership.

Listen to to my dzMM radio program every Sunday, 7-8:30 p.m.

A message from the 'dwendes' 

*Note: I just copied this article from the Philippine Daily Inquirer website as a record of a favorite article of Mr. Licauco. PDI does not keep a record of their articles for more than a week anymore so if you want to read the article later on, there is no way to do that. So here is a copy of my favorite article.

Inner Awareness : A message from the 'dwendes'
Updated 11:39am (Mla time) July 20, 2004
By Jaime Licauco
Inquirer News Service

ON JAN. 12, 1992, Natacha Kolesar, Ph.D., founder of the Institute for Development of Education, Arts and Leisure in Jaffrey, British Colombia, Canada, received a message from the gnomes (earth elementals known in the Philippines as nuno sa punso or dwende) while she was meditating and praying at the Kortright Park in Toronto.

She clairvoyantly saw a whole city of gnomes below the trees, and one of them spoke to her, answering her questions.

"We are in a city of immigrant gnomes," he said. "For a long time we have been living here and we have received many other gnome families that were forced to withdraw from places where man has cut down trees and destroyed their habitation... There is a chief gnome who is the head of our city, as in each city of gnomes, and he is the most wise, because he knows nature best and his city... I am his right arm, and I possess the most knowledge.

"We distinguish ourselves from others by our clothing. The chief is the only one to wear a blue hat and red clothes... I have a yellow hat and green clothes... You (will) especially know our farmers or cultivators or, better still, our gardeners, who wear red hats. Our dentist who cares for the teeth of animals, wears a brown hat. But for certain jobs, especially those (related to) animals and birds, we always use a red hat, because they can well perceive this color."


The gnome said communication with humans was very rare, because people were completely unaware of their existence. They communicated with some children but, for the most part, humans were not conscious of them. The gnome said the last time they communicated with a man was in 1937.

"We especially contact the soul of trees, of flowers, of birds and animals. We cannot capture precise and living thoughts as you can. We capture thought forms of souls that are like portraits, and reflections of living images. You capture these images whereas we perceive their imprints or their copies. We are the achievers of these thought forms."

The gnome said their main holidays were the four cardinal feasts. He added that they were very much linked to the sun and the cycles of the earth, sensing the pulsation of earth's heart and capturing its rhythm, which was like breathing. "We sense it through the air, the prana."

As to their relationship with water, he said a quarter of gnomes worked with water. "They water the roots, and make sprinkler installations to water the plants and flowers. Through the trees, we are linked to the fire. We perceive the etheric fire, and also the flames that you know. In our houses, there is always a fire in the hearth."

'Blue mechanics'

Gnomes' names, he said, were related to their occupations or talents. They had been called blue mechanics, which to them meant someone who arranged everything, who harmonized and cared for everything, and who put poetry in everything. The color blue signified that they calmed, appeased and harmonized everything.

"Certain places on earth, certain mountains or forests receive the name of the gnomes that inhabit them. For example: 'Blue Mountains' (in the south of India)."

The gnome said under the earth were very noxious currents that were poisonous. Certain categories of gnomes, with terrible names, worked there.

"This noxious influence has deformed them, even physically. They absorb and eat terrible poisons, that render them mean, like Trolls for example. These bad emanations attack the humans that find themselves in these places, like Malpasset, The Gates of Hell, etc. These gnomes use fire to destroy."

The gnome told Dr. Kolesar they would be talking for several days about the meeting with her. He said they liked to tell the stories of human heroes, noting that they were more numerous before.

Hilly terrain

The gnome said another category of workers worked with the telluric (pertaining to the earth) currents. "We sense them (currents) and are very conscious that they exist. We very much like terrain with hills where the currents balance themselves. We are not very attracted to flat terrain where the currents are too electric."

The gnome said conscious contact with human beings helped them capture more clearly thought forms (portraits) and to better realize them. They received love from humans like a hot emanation comparable to the wind caressing a cheek. But he said they were disturbed by humans with no respect for nature.

He concluded the message with: "We graciously thank you for your magnificent work. We will think of you, we send you all of our love and will come back to visit you. It may appear to you that everything that we do is primitive, but in reality, these are vital and basic things."

The message was in French and translated into English by Oliver Cuoto of Toronto, Canada, and a member of the Ideal spiritual community headed by Dr. Kolesar.

I have resumed my regular seminars every weekend.

For info, please call 8107245 or 8926806 or e-mail jlicauco@edsamail.com.ph/osiris@i-manila.com.ph.

Visit my website at http://jlicauco.shorturl.com. Listen to my dzMM radio program 7-8 p.m., Sundays.

New Age mother can't decide on religion for her kids 

*Note: I just copied this article from the Philippine Daily Inquirer website as a record of a favorite article of Mr. Licauco. PDI does not keep a record of their articles for more than a week anymore so if you want to read the article later on, there is no way to do that. So here is a copy of my favorite article.

Inner Awareness : New Age mother can't decide on religion for her kids
Updated 08:00pm (Mla time) Aug 02, 2004
By Jaime Licauco
Inquirer News Service

Editor's Note: Published on page D2 of the August 3, 2004 issue of the Philippine Daily Inquirer

I RECEIVED a letter from Norma (not her real name), a 41-year-old mother of four children who could not decide in what religion to raise her kids, since she had embraced "more enlightened New Age concepts."

Norma was raised by a very strict Catholic father who became "a lay minister but was weak (when faced with) temptation." She said her father "hid his moral weakness through a facade of (holiness) and by being a religious freak." The hypocrisy made her lose her trust and respect for her father in her adolescent years and also her faith in the Catholic Church.

"It was only after he died," she said, "that I forgave him and accepted who he really was. I realized he touched the lives of many people and healed them in the process."

She has read books on reincarnation and the "Conversations with God" books of Neale Donald Walsh and found them very enlightening. She believed what "God" was saying in those books.

Raised as Catholics

Her dilemma now is this: "Now that I have embraced this kind of 'enlightened religion,' what do I teach my children? I have four kids, aged 16, 13, 8 and 5. I am raising them as Catholics like my parents.

Three of my siblings (we are 12) joined the Born-Again Christians several years ago. Would it be selfish of me to teach them (kids) my religion? Or should I just let them believe in a punishing God? And about Jesus Christ who 'saved' us?
"My kids are happy being Catholics and they follow tradition. But the older ones are already asking questions which I could not sanely answer. I am utterly confused! I admit I'm just at the infantile stage of being conscious of my 'higher awareness' or 'higher being' and might be being misled by all these so-called 'New Age religion.' I am afraid to let them know my beliefs because of what they might think.

"I am surrounded by people who are deeply Catholic. Even in my office, 95 percent are members of Ligaya, a Catholic organization, and they talk a lot about it and outwardly practice their faith. (They sometimes get very judgmental) when I dare speak up about my own belief. It's frustrating and confusing.

"So what can you say about my predicament? Can you help me? I know you've enlightened a lot of people who have called you master. Please help me!"

Greater master

Thank you, Norma, for your kind words and for your confidence in this writer. At the outset, let me make some important clarifications. I am not a master and do not wish to be called one. I firmly believe the real master is within each of us. There is no greater master than yourself.

This so-called New Age is not a religion but merely a new way of looking at life and the universe, a new point of view. One can be a member of any religion and still embrace New Age ideas. See my new book "On Christianity, New Age and Reincarnation" for a clear explanation of what New Age is really about.

Normally, I don't want to talk about religion because I believe it is an individual and personal thing. I also believe all religions are good and there's no point in converting a person to another religion.

It is just like jumping from one box to another although each priest or member of one box believes his box is better than the others. And each is willing to fight to the death to prove it.

To me it does not matter much which religion you adopt or to raise your children in. If you are a Catholic, be a good Catholic; if a Hindu or Muslim be a good Hindu or Muslim.

No true or false religion

I do not believe one religion is true and others false. Who are we to judge this? When the psychic Edgar Cayce was asked in a trance which version of the Bible was best, his reply was: "The one that you live." I think that's an excellent answer.

Members of any religion do not all live or practice what their religion teaches. We are all guilty of this. What we desperately need in this country is greater tolerance for religious beliefs that may be different from our own.

If your children are happy with their Catholic faith, let them be. There is no point in disturbing their belief. But when they start questioning their religion, that's the time to explain how you view things, without forcing them to embrace your point of view.

Will this not confuse them? Not necessarily. It depends on how you handle their questions. You will be surprised how smart this younger generation is. They are truly Aquarian Age children.

As for your officemates and friends, there are three subjects you should never discuss: religion, politics and sex!

ETs in your photographs? 

*Note: I just copied this article from the Philippine Daily Inquirer website as a record of a favorite article of Mr. Licauco. PDI does not keep a record of their articles for more than a week anymore so if you want to read the article later on, there is no way to do that. So here is a copy of my favorite article.

Inner Awareness : ETs in your photographs?
Updated 06:40pm (Mla time) Sept 06, 2004
By Jaime Licauco
Inquirer News Service

Editor's Note: Published on page D3 of the September 7, 2004 issue of the Philippine Daily Inquirer

IF you see white or gray circular spots of varying sizes in your photos, especially those taken with digital cameras, don't think something's wrong with your camera or lens. You may have captured those strange objects now known as "orbs." They also appear, but less frequently, in other colors and shapes.

I first heard of this photographic phenomenon several months ago from retired movie actress and television host Rosanna Roces. She asked me what could be those objects that appeared in her photographs of her farm in Antipolo and her home in Vista Real, Commonwealth, QC.

"They appear in greater numbers in my farm," she said. "And I can command them where to appear. When my husband Tito would not believe me, I told the orbs to (hover on) his head. When I took his picture, the orbs were all above his head. If I tell them to go to his feet, they would appear there."

She asked me what I thought they were. I first thought they were Santelmo's or St. Elmo's Fire. But when Osang finally showed me the strange photos, I realized they were something else. I had the impression they had something to do with extraterrestrials.

Orbs group on the Net

Since then Osang would text me about her adventures with the orbs. She discovered there was an "orbs group" on the Internet based abroad. She joined the group to exchange information about the phenomenon.

I thought it was only Osang who experienced orbs in photos. But apparently several others had the same experience. Before I left for the United States in May, I received a call from Jocelyn Galera, who is in advertising. She told me she caught the orbs in photos she took in Las Vegas, in a hospital in Metro Manila and in a school auditorium in Bicol. She first thought something was wrong with her camera or lens but a technician told her it was not her camera.

"I, at first, got scared by those orbs..." I told her I didn't sense anything dangerous or evil in them, but couldn't tell her what they were and why they appeared only to certain people.

Discovering the orbs

Other people, who did not notice them before, have now begun to discover orbs in their photos.

Dr. Helen de Garriz, a radiologist who channels an entity from the upper 5th dimension, discovered orbs in a photo taken in 1995. They appeared in a hospital where her daughter Mica was born and in her house.

Orbs or strange circular objects appeared in photos taken this year by singer Rannie Raymundo at the Fort in Makati during a canceled performance due to a typhoon. Real estate broker Ellen Titong Sara could see orbs in the morning skies with her naked eyes.

We finally asked the wise entity from the upper 5th dimension, Ang Suh, what the orbs were. Here are excerpts from his reply:
"The orb represents an energy field, which embodies an entity. The presence of an orb [near] a person signifies desire of the entity to make contact, either mentally or through feeling, with that person.

Later, physical manifestation of the entity is possible if [allowed by] the energy level or blending of energy of the orb and the human.

More than one form

"The multiple appearance and varying colors are due to differing energy patterns [color]. An entity can manifest itself in more than one form.

"The orb communicating with Osang is in the elemental form, attracted to Osang's form and energy makeup. The diamond orb is considered a 'lucky star' in the elemental kingdom. Yes, you can talk to orbs as they are entities themselves."

More recently, Ang Suh said we were surrounded by orbs but did not see them. "Orbs are energy patterns of swirling light. They take rounded forms so they can maintain their (shapes) similar to particles of water forming droplets. Surface tension is maintained to form particles as there is balance between the inner surface and outer form."

Ang Suh says, "Orbs may be of elementals, nature spirits, ET's or divine entities. The... orbs [allow] entities to make themselves known [to awaken] an individual's purpose in his/her existence."

Orbs are "message bringers." We are advised "to pay careful attention to the intricate patterns and details or designs when orbs... are enlarged to show details. They will show you the nature of the orb. The kind of orb will reflect the individual's or earthling's direction or purpose in life. They [appear] in the most unexpected place and time when you least expect them or when you are skeptical. [Entities] may appear as orbs so as not to scare the questioning mind. They would appear as rounded, benign, harmless forms with their energy patterns, rather than their true forms."

On another occasion, Ang Suh said ETs wished to communicate with earth people more speedily and used various means of communication to save Planet Earth by shifting the consciousness of earth people. "Though impossible to reach all because of differing soul level in evolution," he explained, "to reach even a handful of old or enlightened souls will cause a chain reaction in the general consciousness of the people."

E-mail jlicauco@edsamail.com.ph. Listen to "Inner Mind" on dzMM, 7-8 p.m., Sundays. For information on mind-empowering seminars, call 8107245 or 8926806

The awesome power of affirmation 

*Note: I just copied this article from the Philippine Daily Inquirer website as a record of a favorite article of Mr. Licauco. PDI does not keep a record of their articles for more than a week anymore so if you want to read the article later on, there is no way to do that. So here is a copy of my favorite article.

Inner Awareness : The awesome power of affirmation

Updated 07:28pm (Mla time) Aug 30, 2004
By Jaime Licauco
Inquirer News Service

Editor's Note: Published on page D3 of the August 31, 2004 issue of the Philippine Daily Inquirer

WE can define an "affirmation" as a positive verbal expression or assertion of a mental conviction. An affirmation is essentially the same as "auto suggestion." An affirmation is a verbal suggestion to ourselves that something is true.
Examples of affirmations are: "I am going to pass the bar exams," or "I have strong leg muscles," or "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want."
That our mind exerts a very strong power or influence on our body is well established, yet it is not given much importance by the orthodox or allopathic system of medicine. Other methods of healing recognize the awesome power of the mind over the body.

Consider the following documented case reported by Emile Coue in the 19th century: "A French professor suffered a severe attack of asthma while spending the night in an unfamiliar hotel. Knowing that his only hope of receiving breath was to find a source of fresh air, he staggered out of bed and groped his way to what he supposed to be a window.

He searched in vain for the window catch and, not finding it, broke the glass in desperation. After standing there a few moments and gulping the air, his asthma symptoms subsided and he was able to return to bed. He passed the rest of the night at ease. The following morning he discovered that he had broken the glass front of an old grandfather clock."

Powerful system of healing

Coue, who recorded the above incident, was a French pharmacist and healer who developed a powerful system of healing based on auto suggestion or mental affirmation.

He studied the hypnotic practices of Dr. A Liebeault of Nancy and concluded that the curing powers of hypnosis "lay not in the hypnotist but in the patient." The hypnotist's presence would not be necessary if the patient's power to cure himself could be triggered or induced.

He found such a system in auto suggestion. He instructed his patients, no matter what ailment they had, to repeat a positive phrase over and over again, and observed the results.

He experimented with various phrases, but the most famous was: "Every day in every way I am getting better and better." It worked like magic.

A charlatan?

However, orthodox doctors considered Coue a charlatan, despite the fact that many patients got healed after visiting his clinic. So the physicians sent spies to Coue's clinic to find out what he was doing that made patients well. Asthma, skin diseases, paralysis and even appendicitis responded positively to Coue's unorthodox treatment.

The treatment that Coue developed was not merely positive thinking, but really a way of encouraging the will to order the body to be healthy. Human beings, he found, "are capable of being cured by almost anything, provided they believe it will cure them."

A true story

Take the following true story, which is found in some medical books:
A man with several malignant tumors went to his doctor. The doctor told him there was a new powerful drug that had just been out in the market (I forgot the name of the drug). The doctor gave the patient an injection of the new drug, and pretty soon his tumors disappeared. Some weeks later, newspapers reported that the new drug administered to the patient was found ineffective and useless. After reading that, the man's tumors reappeared. He went back to his doctor who, upon seeing the patient's terminal condition, could only give him a placebo while telling him it was a new drug from Germany. The patient agreed to try it and his tumors again disappeared like magic.

Today, medical science has definitely established the close links between the nervous system, emotions and the immune system. How we think and feel can affect the course of an illness. Numerous examples have been recorded of cancer cells developing after a person has had an emotional trauma, such as loss of a loved one or marriage breakup or a big quarrel with someone close.

Positive mental affirmations, such as the one developed by Coue in the 19th century, can help tremendously in the alleviation of 21st-century illnesses.

Those interested in attending my ESP and Inner Mind Development seminars may call 8107245 or 8926806 for details.

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